Hi, I'm

Pedro Sousa.

I make web apps.

A developer that loves creating digital products, front to back. Currently working on personal projects while finishing a course sponsored by XP Inc.

Who I am

Pedro Sousa

Hi there! I'm Pedro Sousa. A fullstack developer with a little foot in design. My interest in code comes from the ability to solve anything with it. Back in 2012, I was hooked on Minecraft like any eleven year old at the time. My friends and I needed a fast local server to practice PvP on, so I went to YouTube and taught myself how to tinker with Java servers and plugins. In the end, the server surpassed 100 daily players and my puny hardware couldn't keep up. At least I learned a ton of English!

Fast forward to the end of 2021, I really wanted to create an app to showcase 3D CAD designs I was making for my mom. So I went back to YouTube and learned a ton of React Native! This time, I'm taking more than a few hours and thankfully got sponsored by XP Inc. to kickstart my full stack web development career at Trybe.

Since I had a little previous experience, I finished the year long course 9 months early to start working full time on personal projects like this one. Being an internet native, It's natural for me to always look for the latest and greatest learning resources around.

I can't fit all technologies I've been using recently, but here are some of the most relevant:

  • TsTypeScript
  • JsJavaScript
  • ReactReact
  • PythonPython
  • NodeJsNodeJS
  • TailwindTailwind

Where I've been

Student @ Trybe

October 2021 - October 2022

  • SmallArrow
    Was one of 300 chosen from 16000 applicants to join the XP sponsored class and later join the company as a full-stack engineer.
  • SmallArrow
    Learned a lot about the fundamentals of web development, from the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, to the more advanced topics of Algorithms and Data Structures.
  • SmallArrow
    Completed small exercises to large projects using a vast array of technologies and frameworks, including React, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, Relational Databases and more.
  • SmallArrow
    Collaborated with a diverse set of classmates and mentors to build full stack web applications. Occasionaly volunteering to help other students with their own projects.

What I've done


Android & iOS & Web App


It's time to cook some Spatular recipes! The modern cookbook is filled with recipes from all around the world. Don't worry if you don't have all the ingredients, filter for only the ones you have in hand. Learn to cook with a beautiful, modern, and ad-free interface!

Built with TDD in the Expo managed workflow. Currently available on Android and the Web.

GitHub GitHub ->
  • TsTypeScript
  • ExpoExpo
  • React NativeReactNative
  • React NavigationReactNavigation
  • React Native Reanimated 2RNReanimated2
  • React Native Gesture HandlerRNGestureHandler
  • TailwindTailwind
  • CypressCypress

Progressive Web App

Espresso Wallet

A simple, free and beautiful multi-currency tracker app for your daily use. Visualize your spending habits with graphs that break down your finances monthly. Create, delete and edit transactions using gestures, select a date to get historical exchange rates, and much more!

Since it is a PWA, you can install the app on your phone, tablet or computer without using any extra storage or effort.

GitHub GitHub ->
  • JsJavaScript
  • ReactReact
  • ReactRouterReactRouter
  • FirebaseFirebase
  • MaterialUiMaterialUi
  • 🪖
  • WorkBoxWorkBox
  • ReduxRedux

Web App


A Trivia game with more than tree thousand verified questions. Choose questions from many categories and prove you are the smartest by getting extra points answering early. Can you beat your high score?

Built with React, React Router, Redux and Tailwind.

GitHub GitHub ->
  • JsJavaScript
  • ReactReact
  • ReactRouterReactRouter
  • ReduxRedux
  • TailwindTailwind

Web App


A responsive replacement for Mercado Livre's product search user interface, improved with query caching, infinite scrolling and an overall better user experience. It implements the most useful filters and sorting options available on the site.

Built entirely in TypeScript, NextJS, Redux, RTK Query and Styled Components.

GitHub GitHub ->
  • TsTypeScript
  • NextJsNextJS
  • 💅
  • ReduxRedux
  • RTK QueryRTKQuery

Web App

React Pokedex

A React app that displays all pokemón in a pokédex-like experience. Find and skip pokémon by name, type, and ID. Your can also favorite and get a detailed look of any pokémon and their stats.

It was built with React, React Router and Tailwind.

GitHub GitHub ->
  • JsJavaScript
  • ReactReact
  • ReactRouterReactRouter
  • TailwindTailwind

Web App

Pixel Art Maker

A web app that allows you to create pixel art using a dynamic canvas grid. The pallete is randomly generated before the page renders.

Built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Replit Replit ->
  • JsJavaScript
  • HtmlHTML

Web App

Todo List

A minimal todo list web app that allows you to create, edit, and delete tasks.

Built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Replit Replit ->
  • JsJavaScript
  • HtmlHTML

Web App

Mistery Letter

A web app that takes your input letter and displays it like words cut from a magazine.

Built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Replit Replit ->
  • JsJavaScript
  • HtmlHTML

Web App

Color Guess

A simple guessing game web app. You score increases if you click the ball with the color that represents the rgb value.

Built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Replit Replit ->
  • JsJavaScript
  • HtmlHTML


Currently I'm not looking for new opportunities, but my inbox is always open! Whether you liked my resume or just wanted to greet me, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Can't open mailto links? Copy my email instead.